Morgenland Festival

The main focus of the Morgenland Festival Osnabrück 2011 was an exchange with musicians from Turkey.
Guests 2011
Izmir State Opera Orchestra
Osnabrücker Jugendchor
Naci Özgüc
Aytül Büyüksarac
Aylin Ates
Aydin Ustuk
Alparslan Mater
Tulio Gagliardo Varas
Kinan Azmeh
Dima Orsho
Issam Rafea
Jivan Gasparyan Quartet
DJ Ipek
Izmiz State Opera Ballet Company
Yildiz Ibrahimova
Eckhardt Günther
Morgenland Chamber Orchestra
The Orchestra and Ballet Company of the Izmir State Opera gave guest appearances in Osnabrück. Ahmed Adnan Saygun’s oratorio “Yunus Emre” was performed by the Osnabrück Youth Choir and the Izmir State Opera Orchestra under the baton of Naci Özgüc in Izmir, Osnabrück and Bremen. The Morgenland Chamber Orchestra performed together with Turkish musicians at the Troy Festival in Canakkale.
This year also saw the first guest appearances at the Festival in Osnabrück of the Syrian trio Hewar, with Dima Orsho, Kinan Azmeh and Issam Rafea, as well as the legendary duduk player, Jivan Gasparyan and the Bulgarian singer, Yildiz Ibrahimova.