Morgenland Festival

In a total of eleven concerts the Morgenland Festival Osnabrück 2012 looked at the wide diversity of Kurdish music.
Guests 2012
Morgenland Chamber Orchestra
Cemil Qocgiri
Naci Özgüc
Wolf Kerschek
Özlem Bulut
Salman Gambarov
Kayhan Kalhor
DJ Ipek
Gani Mirzo Ensemble
Ibrahim Keivo
Morgenland All Star Band
Kinan Azmeh
Rony Barrak
Joachim Dölker
Ziya Gückan
Perhat Khaliq
Fredrik Köster
Andreas Müller
Dima Orsho
Issam Rafea
Feras Charestan
Mohammad Reza Mortazavi
Osnabrücker Jugendchor
Clemens Breitschaft
Osnabrücker Symphonieorchester
Trio Mara
Hakan Vreskala Band
The opening concert was with the Kurdish-Iranian kamanche player Kayhan Kalhor and the Turkish singer Aynur, who sang arrangements of her music by Wolf Kerschek, together with the Morgenland Chamber Orchestra. This blend of Kurdish, Armenian, Turkish, Iranian, Arabian and German musicians led to a “magic musical moment” of the very highest level. A further highlight was the performance by the Morgenland All Star Band on the Markt in Osnabrück. Over 2,000 people celebrated the debut of the 12-piece band with musicians from China, Syria, the Lebanon, Germany, Azerbaijan and Turkey. Yet another highlight was a musical thank-you by the Osnabrück Symphony Orchestra, the Osnabrück Youth Choir and the Festival soloists for Johannes Rahe, the retired director of the Cathedral Choir, who have been long-time partners of the Festival.
90 breath-taking minutes with the exceptional percussionist Mohammad Reza Mortazavi in the Marienkirche, together with a performance by the Ska-Punk formation of the Kurdish singer Hakan Vreskala and the Turkish-German DJane Ipek brought the Festival to a rousing finale.