Morgenland Youngsters on tour in Baku and Istanbul

The Morgenland Festival Osnabrück has launched various projects for young musicians.
The 'Morgenland Academy' is aimed at young music students between the ages of 14 and 20. The 'Morgenland Youngsters', an ensemble that regularly organizes joint projects and concerts, emerged from alumni of the Morgenland Academy.
To mark the 20th anniversary of the Morgenland Festival Osnabrück, the festival is organizing an exchange project between this ensemble and young musicians from Azerbaijan and Turkey. 12 exciting days of rehearsals, jam sessions and concerts have already taken place in Baku and Istanbul.
On April 20, the Morgenland Youngsters will report on their experiences at Osnabrück University.
The journey continues!
The musicians from Baku and Istanbul are coming to Osnabrück for a return visit in August. Together with the Morgenland Youngsters, they will record music, perform at the "In der Wüste" grammar school and play the final concert of this year's Morgenland Festival Osnabrück on August 17.
We can't wait!
Lecturer Osnabrück workshop: Manfred Leuchter
Lecturer Baku: Salman Gambarov
Partner ensemble Istanbul: Develer, Zelişah