
Morgenland Campus

Teilnehmerin & Michel Godard © Liudmila Jeremies
Teilnehmerin & Michel Godard © Liudmila Jeremies

2016 startete das Morgenland Festival Osnabrück gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Musik (IfM) der Hochschule Osnabrück den Morgenland Campus. Der einwöchige Workshop bietet Studierenden aus aller Welt die Möglichkeit, mit Musikerpersönlichkeiten, welche dem Festival verbunden sind, eine Woche zusammenarbeiten und Spezifika arabischer und "orientalischer" Musik kennenzulernen.
Ensemble-Proben, Lectures und Konzerte mit herausragenden Akteuren der internationalen Musikwelt bieten Studenten eine einmalige Gelegenheit, ihren musikalischen Horizont zu erweitern.
Im Mittelpunkt des Morgenland Campus stehen neben den musikalischen Erfahrungen auch zwischenmenschliche Begegnungen. Teilnehmer der vergangenen Jahre beschrieben den Campus als „life-changing experience“.

Der Termin für die nächste Ausgabe des Morgenland Campus steht noch nicht fest.

Stimmen der Campus Teilnehmer

Morgenland was a life changing experience. It was such a pleasure to work with so many wonderful musicians and learning so much about this music. I would definitely love to do it again and will recommend it to my colleagues!
-Vadim Dmitrijev-

The Morgenland week was such an inspiring time, it was a beautiful opportunity to dive in into another musical world together with people who share the same passion. This week opened new doors for me not only regarding the new style of music but also of what it means to make music together and what an importance it has to inspire each other with new ideas. Through the lectures of the professors and through the possibility to make music with them, my colleagues and I could experience music on a whole new level in a natural way.
-Margherita Kravina-

 The week of Morgenland Campus was one of the most musically inspiring weeks that I have experienced. Filled with laughter and inclusive atmosphere we were learning from each other. It was more of an exchange than one directional practise which made the experience so beautiful. I am so grateful that I could take part in it and in the end jam the new knowledge out with the world known musicians who were teaching us. Beautiful, lifechanging, inspiring. Thank you!
-Tina Burova-